- Added download method to filetransfer
- made getEntry of FileUtils public in order to avoid duplicate code in FileTransfer
- FileTransfer returns JSONObject with code, source and target for upload and download
- Fix for CB-17: WebView caching resized pictures
- Fix for issue #281 of phonegap/phonegap-android: Detect for localStorage if Java has disabled it
- Fix for phonegap-android issue #261: Wrong application scale
- Fix for Issue #33: onReceivedError incorrectly sets openExternal to true
- Remove addWhiteList from public API
- Remove WebViewReflect.java from Android
- Fix for CB-104: Capture not returning an error code on cancel
- Changed createCaptureFile to explicitly check for PNG and to throw an IllegalArgumentException if it is not a JPEG nor a PNG
- Add support for future menu plugin
- Remove PhoneGap.stringify, replace with JSON.stringify
- Fixed: Don’t fire resume upon init – only when returning from background
- Fixed: Backbutton should go back in appview history before going back in our history stack
- Added onMessage(id, data) to the plugin API
- Deprecated addService().
- Refactored the backHistory() code so calling navigator.app.backHistory() has consistent behavior with the backbutton
- Added onload attribute to plugin in plugins.xml to create the plugin at load time instead of lazy loading
- Fixed bug with showing loadingDialog property
- Fixed Issue #23 – Crash when using splash screen
- Changed API to postMessage() to call a plugin’s onMessage() method
- Optimized enumerations